Monday, June 1, 2015

Welcome to ModernRight

My name is Joanne Zervos, welcome to my Blog.

From my days as a Dead Head to the present as a retired attorney, entrepreneur, and the mom of college students, advocating political positions has been part of my life.

In law school, I walked the parking lots at Grateful Dead concerts obtaining signatures on petitions advocating that President Reagan stop funding the Contras.

As a "yuppie", I used my wedding list to solicit for Planned Parenthood.

To the present, where I went over to the Right over the Iraq War and never looked back.

After six years of what we can all agree has been a very left of center Administration, there are striking differences between the Right and Left.  The purpose of this Blog will be to point out those differences, and call out both sides to take their principles and apply them to modern world realities.


  1. Hi Joanne - you are brave and fierce, I can tell. Our gov't will keep you very busy, providing lots of great material regularly!
